10.30am Morning Worship.
Normally lasts for approximately 1 hour with tea and coffee following.
On the 2nd Sunday in each month the service is normally followed by communion with a ‘bring and share’ lunch following.
2.30pm Friendship Circle.
First Monday in the month.
Games, Outings, Quizzes as announced.
7.00pm. Twice monthly Home Group held in the home of Shirley Lawes with Bible Study led by Rev David Brown, followed by Prayer.
[term time only]
4.30pm – 5.30pm Rainbows [aged 5 -7 years]
5.45pm – 7.15pm Brownies [aged 7 -10 years]
7.30pm – 9.00pm Guides [aged 10 – 16 years]
You can see some photographs of our Church Family in the photo gallery below.
Just click on an image to see a larger version